ARIEL has helped me for the majority of my life to grow as a person and in helping me grasp the truths of life and how to manage them.
– Ryan Barnes

ARIEL helps me to reflect on my behavior in all areas of life. One of the most important things I have learned is that I can have control over situations in my life and choose to be the solution to problems. In relationships with family and friends, I use ARIEL mottos to try and foster these relationships and help them grow. During my timer here, I notice I make better decisions. I know that ARIEL makes a difference in my life.
– Olivia Conner

I hope that ARIEL will continue to offer such wonderful opportunities for our children and the children in our community.
– Lia Harty, parent

ARIEL has given me social and professional skills such as the importance of being calm and various life lessons on how to be a better person.
– Maddie Jewell

My participation in ARIEL has helped me to feel more accountable for my actions.
– Emma Andrewsen

After ARIEL pulled me from depression, it introduced me to the brighter side of the world, giving me strength and discipline to make the world a better place one step at a time.
– Thomas Perry

ARIEL has made a big difference in my life. I find that when I’m faced with certain situations, I remember the quotes and advice I learn here before a rehearsal or performance. I feel more confident about what I should do and it gives me guidance. ARIEL has taught me many life lessons and I’m so glad and thankful that I get to have this experience. – Stephanie England

ARIEL Theatrical is a wonderful theatre experience. I began going here because my foster sisters and cousins enjoyed their time here and I wanted to have social experiences as I have been home-schooled for most of my life. ARIEL wants to empower young people to make important life decisions and choices. They urge young people to turn friendship into relationships, not the other way around. ARIEL has taught me many life lessons and has given me many memorable memories.”
– Andrew Paduck

Please send us your testimonial about ARIEL. Please use a subject line such as “testimonial for your website.”