Author Archives: Kylee Sullivan

  1. Today is not your typical Tuesday…

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    This particular Tuesday comes only once a year. It’s the warm, fuzzy Tuesday that follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You guessed it – it’s Giving Tuesday.

    We know you are busy. We understand busy. We’ll get right to the point. What you do today can make a difference at ARIEL for an entire year.

    When you make a tax-deductible donation to ARIEL through Monterey County Gives!, you will see your support grow with matching funds. Any size donation, up to $75K, will become larger thanks to the magic of MC Gives!

    If you are thinking about jumping in for ARIEL this Giving Tuesday, consider the following…

    If you’ve ever come to a show at ARIEL and left feeling happier and more hopeful for the future, now is the time.

    If you believe teaching kids that incorporating Accountability, Respect, Integrity, Excellence and Leadership into their lives is important, now is the time.

    If you think that young people have the power to positively impact the world, now is the time.

    If you want to demonstrate your support for the ARIEL mission, our engaging programs, and our family-friendly entertainment, now is the time.

    You have until midnight on December 31st, but why wait? It’s Giving Tuesday today. We hope you’ll make it a great one.

  2. We couldn’t do it without you…..

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    Our hearts are beyond full.
    We are grateful, honored, and humbled to have received such incredible support in 2024 from so many wonderful individuals, businesses, and foundations. Investments of time, talent and treasure this year have reinforced our efforts as we provided character-building programs and family-friendly entertainment for the entire community. This list will grow as names are added before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. To add your name to the list donate HERE to our Monterey County Gives! campaign.

    Joyfully, we say “thank you” to the following: 


    Rose & John Aaron

    Shay Albarran

    Mandy & Ken Allen

    Shawn & Nathan Anderson

    Jen Anello

    Joseph Ashby

    Finley Asmuth

    Karen Bauer

    Sally Bennett

    Tiffany Bierbaum

    Richard Bishop

    Matthew & Jennifer Borba

    Mary & Dan Bowman

    Janet Bradley

    Teri Breschini & Stella Perea

    Sonja Brisard

    Angelee Brockmeyer

    Mandy Brooks

    Andrea Brown

    Kelli & Chris Brown

    Emily Brownfield

    Chelsi Bunting

    Jim & Lynda Campbell

    Hector Cardenas

    Jordynne Chacon

    Carli & Mike Chasen

    Diane Chatwin

    Gabriela & Eric Chavez

    Michelle Clark

    Jay Cohen

    Eva Cole

    Matthew Conley

    Jenny Contenza

    Angela Corah

    Elizabeth Cotsworth

    Catherine Coughlin

    Linda Coyne & Bill Deeb

    Diane Creasey

    Dawn Cricchio

    Bruce Crist

    Amber Crowe

    Ediberto & Olga Cruz Cruz

    Jean Cunha

    Erica Da Motta

    Sarah Dahlen

    Rebeca De Dios

    Caesar DiFranco

    Mike DiFranco

    William & Donna Diggons

    Patricia Edge

    Sarah Elias

    Allison Elliott

    Jill & Matt Ellis

    Chelsea Emrey

    Tina England

    Dexter Farm

    Miguel Felix

    Larry Ferrari

    David Finkelstein

    Shannon Flaherty

    Anna Flores

    Sandy Fogarty

    Philip Fogarty

    Anna Foglia

    Tom Folliard

    Suzanna Forstell

    Sheri & Brian Fox

    Mary Gale

    Carlie Gallegos

    Rosalba Garcia

    Terry Garibay

    Robert B Gaskell Jr

    Natalie & Seth Gibson

    Jean & Ken Goebel

    Jean Goebel

    Wendy Grainger

    Ben Groves

    Barry & Ileen Groves

    Tracy Groves-Loetz

    Joyce Guerrero

    Kyle Guthrie

    Chuck Hackett

    Amy Hanley

    Tamara & Reuben Harris

    Wendell Harry

    Thomas & Lia Harty

    Maile Harty

    Andrea & Keith Hayes

    Jason & Katie Hayward

    Tristyn Hayward

    Elliott & Lucie Hazen

    Michael Head

    Whitney Hegg

    Enrique Hernandez

    Amanda Hernandez Michalski

    Selena & Adam Herrin

    Brian Higginbotham

    John and Heather Higginbotham

    Allison & Lee Hinkle

    Elizabeth Hofer

    Stephen Hooper

    Mimi Hoppas

    Christina Hoppner

    Clifford Hoskins

    Georgia Hughes

    Lanney Hulse

    Rhonda & Octavio Hurtado

    Brandi Irwin

    John Ittelson & Bobbi Kamil

    Alex & Jesse Jenner

    Madeline Jewell

    Robert Kasavan

    Sharon Kasper

    Franscioni Kathy

    Cecilia & Jerry Kennedy

    Jeanette Kern

    Don & Carole King

    Rebecca & Douglas Kinyo

    David & Heather Kirk

    Heather Kleinfeldt

    Steve Korsgren & Lauren Karasek

    Frank Kragh

    Margaret Kylander

    Scott Landis & Pippa Browne

    Joy Langford

    Jim Lash

    Daniel Lash

    Yvonne Lee Yu

    Alan & Maia Liddle

    Tasha & Barrett Lindstrom

    Guadalupe Lopez

    Juan Lopez

    Belle Lozada

    Hilda Macias

    David and Alanna Mack

    Bianca Madrid

    Mary Magana

    James Martin

    Cristal Martinez

    Ronald & Jane Massott

    Patricia Mccabe

    Hailey McDill

    Harold McDill

    Rebecca McDill

    Michael & Lisa McGirr

    Jeff McGirr

    Mary Melland

    Lucy Merino

    Lucia Merino

    Sheryl Merrill

    Jill Miller

    Joe & Connie Mismas

    Maci Mollring

    Carolanne Moreno & James Goulart

    José Morón

    Sarah Mueller

    Megan Murphy

    William Darius Myers

    Virginia Nadler

    Larissa Najera Lavering

    Tom & Mary Nelson

    Kathleen & Robert Nelson

    George & Mimi Niesen

    Kelly O’Connell

    Sandra & Ray Ortega

    Raymond Parga

    Nick Pasculli

    Joe Pavek

    Sharilyn Payne

    Frank Pinedo

    Mary Pommerich

    Carmen Ponce

    Karen Proctor

    Adri Pura

    Caroline Reber

    Eva Regnier

    Meg Reney

    Neil Richman

    Lillian Rico

    Nicole Robinson

    Carol Rodrigues

    Tori & Nick Rodrigues

    Josue Rodriguez

    Manette & Steve Rogers

    Cecilia & Victor Romero

    Lucas Rose

    Dolores Rosof

    Jennilee Sabado

    Gabriel Saldivar

    Lorena Sanchez

    Peter Schierling

    Rose Scholl

    Monika & Michael Scott

    Ana Seid

    Doris Semersky

    Victoria Semersky

    Carolyn Sharbatly

    David Shipley

    Bri Slama

    Keith Slama

    Terry Smith

    Diana & Phillip Snell

    Kris Sorgatz

    Kelly Soriano

    Phillip & Evelyn Soriano

    Fran Spector Atkins & Roger Stewart

    Kimberly & Marty St George

    Nancy Stewart

    Kyle Stewart

    Linda & Robin Stoner

    Andrea Strano

    Erin Suyehara

    Cary Swensen

    Carrie & Aaron Tenney

    Alisha Thompson

    Gary & Linda Thompson

    Roger & Linda Thompson

    Eder Tostado

    Sandra Uecker

    Jacqueline Van Nes

    Jennifer Walker & Eric Lee

    Maureen Wallin

    Amanda Wehling

    Robert Westlund

    Jennifer Williams

    Paula Wilson

    Christian Womack

    Tanya Womack

    Kelly & Kevin Young


    Aladin Properties

    Andrea Brown Literary Agency

    Arts Council for Monterey County

    Ausonio Family Fund of the CFMC

    Bava & Associates PC

    Best Shot Video

    California Rodeo Salinas

    Cardinale Moving & Storage

    Community Foundation for Monterey County


    Christopher M. Mulè DDS Inc.

    Dataflow Business Systems

    Harden Foundation

    Hastie Financial Group

    Heirloom Pizza

    J.V. Smith Companies

    John Torquido Photography

    Kirk Kennedy


    Mechanics Bank

    Monterey Peninsula Foundation

    Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild

    Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation

    Oldtown Salinas Foundation

    Pebble Beach Company Foundation

    Precision Alarms

    Rudi Schulte Family Foundation

    Salinas Grocery Outlet

    Sally Hughes Church Foundation, c/o Ottone & Leach LLP

    Sam Bailey Photography


    Star Market

    Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation

    Tanimura Family Foundation

    Taylor Fresh Foods, Inc.

    The Blackbaud Giving Fund

    The Buzz PR

    WOW! Smiles

    Yellow Brick Road


    Aimee German

    Alan Liddle

    Alanna Mack

    Alejandra Leliaert

    Alex Gonzales

    Alex Jenner

    Alexus Babbitt

    Amanda DeSalvo

    Amy Lozada

    Ana Moran-Rivera

    Angela Goulart

    Annabella Vivit

    Arlene Vargas

    Aubrey Labung

    Barratt Lindstrom

    Ben Ellis

    Beth Brookhouser

    Birch Pennycook

    Brandy Deppert

    Brian Wade

    Callie Slama

    Carlie Gallegos

    Cecilia Kennedy

    Cecilia Romero

    Chelsea Emery

    Chelsea Sterrett

    Chelsea Word

    Christian Lozada

    Christina Garci

    Dan Hoppner

    Danielle Carillo

    Danielle Green

    Daphne Guzman

    David Brownfield

    David Finkelstein

    David Higginbotham

    David Mack

    Diana Rogers

    Diane Chatwin

    Diane McGirr

    Edeniz Martinez

    Edgar Torres

    Eileen Tosado

    Eiliana Guyton

    Elane Chung

    Eliana Guyton

    Elli Chasen

    Elysha Kennedy

    Emily Brownfield

    Emily Pedrazzi

    Erica da Motta

    Erika Rodriguez

    Erika Romero

    Erin Saldivar

    Felix Bridges

    Francine Lontoc

    Gaby Flores 

    Garianne Elias

    Gloria Mora Avila

    Gordon Babbitt

    Grace Ellis

    Grace Engler

    Haiden Frei

    Harlee Higginbotham

    Iris Morris

    Jacklyn Torres

    Jake McTighe

    James Jablonski

    Jamie Del Real

    Janice Cureton

    Jean Cunha

    Jennifer Kato

    Jerry Kennedy

    Jill Ellis

    Joanna Wade

    Joey Swanson

    Jovi Mack

    Joy Langford

    Julia Freeman

    Julia Jenner

    Julie McCullough 

    Kami Allen

    Kate Stover

    Kate Willingham

    Kelley Ross

    Kelly O’Connell

    Kelly Swanson

    Kellyann Dickison

    Ken Allen

    Kiki Mutoh

    Kristen Eshaya

    Krystle Anderson

    Kylie Allen

    Lauren Vose

    Lesley Knapp

    Lily Powers

    Linda Richards

    Liz Escobar

    Lucy Merino

    Lucy Nicolas

    Maci Mollring

    Mandy Allen

    Mark Gibbs

    Marly Christensen

    Mary Lou Reyna

    Megan Ferrari

    Megan Murphy

    Michael Kroll

    Michael Scott

    Michaela Bridges

    Mike McGirr

    Mini Cho

    Miriam Cordero

    Monika Scott

    Nathan Anderson

    Nick Sterrett

    Olga Cruz

    Paul Richards

    Paul Tolbert

    Paula Wilson

    Randa Quesinberry

    Ray Ortega

    Rebecca Marshall

    Rebecca Stover

    Roselyn Ferrill

    Sadie Word

    Sam Powers

    Sarah Anderson

    Sarah Dahlen

    Sarah Guzman

    Sarah McCabe

    Sarah Mueller

    Seema Patel

    Serena Mercado

    Shelly Prebula

    Shonda Kroll

    Sierra Campbell

    Sofia Escobar

    Sophia Leahy

    Tasha Lindstrom

    Tatum Ramones

    Teri Babbitt

    Tilley Hopner

    Torian Adams

    Wally Escobar

    William Pennycook

    Zach Allen

    Zephyr Whitaker-Adams


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    For nearly four decades, ARIEL Theatrical has provided opportunities for young people to experience the thrill of live performance. Participants discover however, that there is much more to creating magic on stage than memorizing songs and learning lines.

    At ARIEL, kids are taught the importance of accountability and respect among cast members. They are also encouraged to give their best efforts and lead with integrity, no matter what role they play in the production. The magic created at ARIEL doesn’t end when the curtain closes. It continues to inspire our young participants as they utilize lessons learned at ARIEL to impact the world in positive ways.

    Josephine Swanson, ARIEL participant and Youth Leader, described the powerful influence that ARIEL has had in her life. In her words, “ARIEL has taught me so much, not just about who I am, but who I want to be…..I look forward to being an accountable, respectful, integrity filled, and excellent leader for the rest of my life and showing others how to do the same.”

    Please consider supporting our efforts to teach and inspire the leaders of tomorrow by making a donation to ARIEL through the Monterey County Gives! campaign. Online donations are simple, secure, and will be increased with matching funds (up to $75,000) through December 31st.

    and invest in the future of ARIEL today.


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    You can help make ARIEL’s wishes come true and there are several ways of doing so!

    1. Visit our Amazon Wishlist! – All items will be shipped to ARIEL so we can use them right away!
    2. Donate the Cost of an Item – In our lobby there are yellow stars labeled with an item we need. Simply grab a star and bring it to the box office and donate the cost of the item.We will take care of the ordering making sure to get whatever ARIEL needs most! 
    3. Bring in an Item – Have an extra of something? We are more than happy to accept in-person donations. Give us a call at 831-775-0976 to coordinate a drop-off!

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    ARIEL has been nominated for Best Local Theatre Company in the Monterey County Weekly “Best of Monterey County Finals 2024.” Take a few minutes and vote for your favorite things in the Best of Monterey County Readers’ Poll. We need YOU to vote for ARIEL Theatrical! THANK YOU!!!

    Show that you are “TEAM ARIEL” by voting ARIEL Theatrical as the BEST LOCAL THEATRE COMPANY!

    Last day to vote is August 23, 2024.


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    It’s official! The ARIEL Theatrical 2025 Season has been set!! Dates and details will be coming soon, but for now (drumroll please), here is a peek at what’s coming to the ARIEL stage:

    YEE-HAWBeginning show with two casts for twice the fun



    THE LITTLE RED HENBeginning show classic

    DISNEY WINNIE THE POOH KIDS – Two-week summer camp

    THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH – Three-week summer camp

    GO FISH – Beginning show with two casts for double the underwater fun

    THE HOBBIT – The epic tale returns

    A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS – A holiday favorite loved by all ages

    Registration information and performance dates are coming soon……get excited for 2025!


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    We are excited to be “backstage” at the Salinas Rodeo again this year, and we invite you to participate as a Rodeo volunteer representing ARIEL Theatrical as part of our summer fundraiser. This opportunity will put you behind-the-scenes at one of the largest annual events in Monterey County as you work with friends and neighbors setting up and serving in the VIP Hospitality Tent. Volunteers ages 14 and up are welcome.

    Fundraising couldn’t be easier! All hours worked by ARIEL volunteers will be tracked to calculate the contribution amount that will be given to ARIEL from the Salinas Rodeo Foundation. This charitable donation could be quite substantial and is only possible with help from our amazing community – you!

    There are many shift options including Pre-Rodeo (beginning on July 11), Rodeo (beginning July 18), and Post-Rodeo (beginning on July 21). You are welcome to sign up for multiple shifts, and organizing a group of friends and family to volunteer for the same shift is highly encouraged! All details are listed on the Google sign up form that can be found HERE. Please note shift sign ups are due by July 8, if possible.

    We hope you will consider joining this fundraising effort that will directly benefit ARIEL Theatrical programs for youth. If you are unable to volunteer at this time but would like to make a direct donation to ARIEL, please click HERE to access our Zeffy donation page.

    We look forward to seeing you at the Rodeo, and at ARIEL!

  8. SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! comes to ARIEL Theatrical in May!

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    This musical adaptation of the Emmy Award winning Saturday morning cartoon that first aired in the 1970s will take audiences back to school for the most fun they’ll ever have in class! Our community cast, ages seven and up, will sing and dance their way through History, Mathematics, Grammar, Innovation, Space Exploration and more. This blast from the past will make learning fun for all ages, so don’t miss your chance to get an education you’ll never forget!  And, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, teachers get 50% off a general admission ticket with a current teacher credential/ID. Call ARIEL Theatrical for more information.

    All performances take place on the following dates and times at The Karen Wilson Children’s Theatre, 320 Main Street, Salinas, the home of ARIEL Theatrical:

    Friday, May 3 at 7 pm
    Saturday, May 4 at 2 pm & 7 pm
    Thursday May 9 at 7 pm
    Friday May 10 at 7 pm
    Saturday May 11 at 2 pm & 7 pm

    Tickets are available online HERE, over the phone (831-775-0976) or in the ARIEL Box Office.

    ARIEL is honored to acknowledge the Sally Hughes Church Foundation as the 2024 Presenting Partner. ARIEL is also grateful to local individuals and businesses for their generous support including Season Sponsors, Aladin Properties, Taylor Farms, and Cardinale Moving and Storage, along with show sponsor, the Finkelstein Family.


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    On Saturday, March 16, a sold-out audience for Disney Frozen Jr. watched with anticipation as we drew a winner for our 2024 Disney Experience Raffle. Congratulations to the big winner, Roberto J. Mora!

    A big “THANK YOU” to all who entered for supporting our theatre programs that help young people learn to lead principle-centered lives.


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    Do you want to build a snowman? If your answer to that question is a resounding “YES,” come to ARIEL Theatrical for a heartwarming stage adaptation of the top-grossing animated film of all time! This musical, based on the 2013 Disney Film and the 2018 Broadway adaptation will transport you to Arendelle where you’ll join your favorite characters as they embark on an epic, ice-filled journey. Through courage, camaraderie and understanding, the power of true love is set free. Get ready for some of your favorite songs including “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?,” “Love is an Open Door,” and “Let It Go,” along with new numbers from the hit Broadway production. For the first time ever at ARIEL Theatrical, Disney Frozen Jr. is sure to melt your heart!   

    When:                March 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16 – Thursday & Fridays at 7 pm, Saturdays at 2 pm & 7 pm

    Where:            The Karen Wilson Children’s Theatre – Home of ARIEL Theatrical
                                320 Main Street, Salinas, CA 93901

    Tickets:           General Admission – $16
                                Students/Seniors/Military – $14
                                Children 3-12 – $12
                                Under age 3 – FREE

    Tickets may be purchased online HERE, by phone (831-775-0976), or at the door until sold out.